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Stereonet 11 | Rick Allmendinger's Stuff

Upload your data to your account at StraboSpot from within Stereonet: Simply choose File>Upload to StraboSpot, enter your credentials, and select the ...

Stereonet 11 | Rick Allmendinger's Stuff
Official pages

Stereonet - Rick Allmendinger's Stuff

Geological software for Mac, Windows and Linux to plot, visualize, and analyze orientation data including lines, planes, arcs, and cones (small circles).

How to login
  • 1. Visit the Stereonet homepage at
  • 2. Click on the “Login” link in the top right corner of the page
  • 3. Enter your username and password into the corresponding fields
  • 4. Click on the “Log In” button to complete the process


Stereonets are useful for visualising structural data and identifying trends in 2D. Errors in categorisation of structural data can also become apparent when ...

Stereonet — QGIS Python Plugins Repository

Displays a geologic stereonet of selected geologic structure data. Data needs to be loaded into QGIS via "Delimited Text Layer." A stereonet will be plotted ...

Stereonet Plots Overview - Dips Documentation - Rocscience

Stereonet Plots Overview. The main forms of data visualization in Dips are the various stereonet Plot Options available in the Sidebar, View menu and ...

pole plotting on stereonet - MATLAB Answers - MathWorks

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Wulff Stereonet - GEO Supplies

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Q: What is stereonet?

A: Stereonet is a type of plotting technique used in structural geology to illustrate the spatial orientation of rock features in three dimensions. It allows geologists to visualize and analyze data related to the orientation, shape, and distribution of planar and linear structures within a given area.

Q: How does stereonet work?

A: Stereonet plots are typically created using two circular grids, one for plotting planes (planes such as bedding planes or faults), the other for plotting lines (such as lineations). The circles are divided into equal parts at regular intervals, allowing for precise measurements of angles from 0°-360°. When plotted on the grid, points representing planes and lines can be connected using great circles that provide insight into orientation relationships between different geological features.

Q: What are some applications of stereonet?

A: Stereonets are commonly used by geologists to interpret fault patterns, assess fold geometry and develop models of strain in the Earth’s crust. They can also be used to identify preferred orientations or trends in mineral grain fabrics, changes in stress fields over time, and variations between different lithological units.

Q: How do I create a stereonet plot?

A: To create a stereonet plot you will need two circular grids calibrated with angular divisions—one for plotting planes (bedding planes or faults) and one for plotting lines (lineations). You will also need an appropriate plotting device such as an adjustable protractor or compass rose that can accurately measure angles from 0°-360°. Once you have your tools ready you can begin marking points on each grid corresponding to measured data taken from outcrops or drill core samples. Finally these points should be connected using the appropriate great circle arcs which will reveal important information about structural relationships between geological features.


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